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Journée d'étude
Le 26 mai 2023

The workshop is organised and supported by Association Tiers-Monde, Université Grenoble-Alpes, IUT de Valence, Research laboratory CREG, Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, the Maghreb-Machrek and Maghreb-Mashrek International journals.
It takes place in person and online at the Valence branch of the University Grenoble-Alpes:
8:40 Registration - Welcoming
9: 00 Opening of the Workshop
9:15 - 10:05 The Quality of Employment in MENA Countries: The Place and Dynamics of the Middle Class - Slides - Discussion
• Adrien FRONTENAUD (CREG, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France)
10:05 - 10h55 Gender Gap in Self-Employment and Employership: RegionalDifferences in Turkey - Slides - Discussion
• Gizem Umut DOGAN (Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara, Turkey),
• Ertugrul DELIKTAS (Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir, Turkey)
• Aysit TANSEL (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)
10:55 Coffee break
11:10 - 12:00 The middle-class of Enterprises in Middle East and North Africa during the pandemic: Do Covid-19 adaptive strategies improve access to credit? - Slides - Discussion 1 - Discussion 2
• Imène BERGUIGA (University of Sousse, Tunisia)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:20 Après le printemps arabe et la crise COVID, que reste-t-il desclasses moyennes tunisiennes ? - Slides
• Céline BONNEFOND (CREG, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France)
• Fatma MABROUK (Princess Norah Bint Abdulrahman University, Saoudi Arabia)
14:20 - 15:10 L’entrepreneuriat des jeunes en Algérie : déterminants et inégalités de genre - Slides - Discussion
• Youghourta BELLACHE (Université de Bejaia, Algérie)
15:10 Coffee break
15:25 - 16:15 Social Class and Entrepreneurship in a North African Setting: Analyzing the Applications of Returning Migrants for API Projects in Tunisia - Slides - Discussion 1 - Discussion 2
• Abdelwahab BENHAFAIED (Applied Social Science Forum, Tunisia)
• Laurence O. MICHALAK (University of California/Berkeley, USA)
16:15 - 17:05 La fuite des cerveaux affaiblit-elle ou renforce-t-elle les classes moyennes des pays du Maghreb ? - Slides - Discussion 1 - Discussion 2
• Zahir HADIBI (Université de Bejaia, Algérie)
• Saib MUSETTE (CREAD, Algérie)
17:05 - 17:15 Closure of the Workshop
19:30 - 22:00 Gala dinner
Scientific Committee Steering Committee
Key dates
Deadline for the receipt of proposals: Extended deadline : March 22nd, 2023 (Call for Paper)
Assessment by the Scientific Committee: March 30th, 2023
Free but compulsory registration to the workshop: Avril 10th, 2023
Deadline for the full-text receipt: May 13th, 2023
In person in Valence and online.
Conference room at the Maison de l'Etudiant Drôme-Ardèche
9 place de Latour Maubourg
26000 Valence
Venue to the Latour Maubourg site Interactive Map Map of the Maison de l'Étudiant Drôme-Ardèche
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