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Barredo-Zuriarrain Juan

Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea | UPV/EHU · Departamento de Economia Aplicada

Productions scientifiques


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Halili, B. L., Rodriguez, C. (2023).- The different effects of debt on growth along the financial cycle: new evidence for developed countries. 2nd International Financial Forum "The climate Change, Financial Markets and Systemic Risks: What Expectations for the Next Decades?", Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Institute of Economics and Finance - Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Grenoble, 26-28 juin 2023.


Buendía, L., Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Balay, J. (2022).- Foreign sector and welfare state in Sweden: From complementarity to tensions. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 63, pp. 310-319.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Ülgen, F., Radonjić, O. (2020).- Fallacies of market-friendly financial regulation conducted by the Federal Reserve in the 1990s and 2000s. Journal of post Keynesian economics, vol. 43, n° 4, pp. 540-575.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Molero-Simarro, R. (2020).- Txina: Garapen eredua birbideratzea eta munduko ekonomian zeregin berria. Hegoak zabalduz, n° 17, 17 p. 


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2019).- The nature of capitalist money and the financial links between debt-led and export-led growth regimes. New political economy, vol. 24, n° 4, pp. 565-586.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Cerezal-Callizo, M. (2019).- Lessons from the SUCRE and TARGET2 systems for a sound international monetary system in a financialized economy. Journal of post Keynesian economics, vol. 42, n° 1, pp. 39-58.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2019).- Money supply is endogenous and the Venezuelan hyperinflation is a monetary phenomenon. 23rd conference of the Forum for macroeconomics and macroeconomic policies "The Euro at 20 – Macroeconomic challenges", Berlin : Macroeconomic policy institute, 24-26 octobre 2019, 20 p.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Molero-Simarro, R. (2019).- The Renminbi internationalization : will China face its own Triffin Dilemma ?. Colloque international Afep-Iippe "Penser l’économie de demain et le futur de l’économie politique", Lille : Association française d'économie politique, International initiative for promoting political economy, Iep de Lille, Université de Lille, 3-5 juillet 2019.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2018).- Luis Buendía y Ricardo Molero-Simarro (Eds.) ; The political economy of contemporary Spain : from miracle to mirage, Routledge : Frontiers of political economy, 2018 (160 pp.), Revista de economía crítica, n° 25, pp. 221-224.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Molero-Simarro, R. (2018).- ¿Está China frente al dilema de Triffin ?. XVI Jornadas de economía crítica "10 de años de ajuste…. ¿hacia dónde?", León : Asociación de economía crítica, Departamento de Economía y Estadística, Universidad de León, 20-21 septembre 2018.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2017).- Diagnóstico y perspectivas en la Eurozona en crisis : de las asimetrías financieras a las productivas. Olhares amazônicos, vol. 5, n° 1, pp. 966-984.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2017).- Compte rendu : Jean-Luc Bailly, Alvaro Cencini et Sergio Rossi (dir.), Quantum macroeconomics : the legacy of Bernard Schmitt, Londres, Routledge, 2017, 232 p. Interventions économiques/Papers in political economy, n° 59, 6 p.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Molero-Simarro, R., Quesada-Solana, A. (2017).- Euro-dependence — a peripheral look beyond the Monetary union : a proposal of reform of the TARGET2, Review of radical political economics, vol. 49, n° 3, pp. 375-393.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Cerezal-Callizo, M. (2017).- Successes and failures of the SUCRE and TARGET-2 systems: lessons for a sound supranational clearing mechanism in a financialized economy. VIIème congrès de l'Afep "Vers une désintégration de l’Europe ?", Rennes : Association française d'économie politique, Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de recherche en innovations sociétales, Université Rennes 2, 5-7 juillet 2017.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2016).- The inherent instability of national monetary power in the 21st century : the Triffin dilemma revisited. Research in political economy, vol. 30B, pp. 23-52.

Barredo, J., Ülgen, F. (2016).- Financialised capitalism : from a flawed financial regulation towards a sustainable growth". 13th international conference "Developments in economic theory and policy", Bilbao : Department of Applied economics V, University of the Basque country UPV/EHU, Cambridge centre for economic and public policy, Department of Land economy, University of Cambridge, 23-24 juin 2016.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Moreno Zacarés, J. (2015).- Trazando salidas a la crisis en una España financiarizada. Público, 28 décembre 2015.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Molero Simarro, R., Quesada, A. (2015).- Achieving a more harmonized growth within the Eurozone : the case for a new Target-2. International Post-Keynesian conference "Money, crises and capitalism", Grenoble : Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Faculté d'économie de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, Review of Keynesian economics, 10-12 décembre 2015.


Barredo, J., Ülgen, F. (2014).- New accumulation regime of financialized capitalism and sustainable growth : some policy implications for the European Union. 11th international conference "Developments in economic theory and policy", Bilbao : University of the Basque country UPV/EHU, 26-27 juin 2014.

Molero Simarro, R., Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2014).- Euro-dependence : a peripheral look beyond the monetary union. International research workshop "Full employment in Europe : with or without the Euro ?", Grenoble : Institute for new economic thinking, Creg, 15-16 mai 2014.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2013).- ¿Un crawling peg ‘a la china’ para el bolívar? La diferencia entre nadar y salir a flote. Economía crítica y crítica de la economía, 23 de julio, 4 p.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Molero-Simarro, R. (2013).- Euro no, euro sí y viceversa. Una propuesta. Economía crítica y crítica de la economía, 6 de mayo, 11 p.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J. (2012).- Pablo Dávalos, La democracia disciplinaria ; el proyecto posneoliberal para América Latina, Codeu, Quito, 2010. Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, n° 11, 2 p.


Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Zubiri Rey, J.-B. (2011).- La trampa del rescate. Números rojos, n° 1, pp. 106-111.

Barredo Zuriarrain J. et Zubiri Rey J.B. (2011).- La trampa del rescate y el ajuste como dogma se imponen en la Europa de los mercados. Números Rojos, n° 1, pp. 106-111.

Contact (Juan[dot]Barredo[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Publié le 27 juin 2019

Mis à jour le 12 décembre 2024