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Professeur des universités


Bâtiment : BATEG

Bureau : 410

Autre lieu de travail

+33 (0)4 76 74 28 84

• Systèmes monétaires et financiers
• Régulation financières
• Banques centrales
• Stabilité
• Crises bancaires/financière dans éco émergentes
• Coordination en économie de marché
• HPE (Steuart, Schumpeter, Keynes, Minsky)

Disciplines scientifiques

Discipline(s) scientifique(s)

Sciences économiques


• M2 Recherche : Relations monétaires et financières internationales
• M1 : Séminaire : Financement et développement ; Entreprise, marché et développement ; Monnaie et financement
• L3 : Théorie de la croissance développement, Économie industrielle, Économie internationale, Économie de l'entreprise, Croissance et fluctuations, Économie du développement
• Enseignement à distance du programme anglophone international de Grenoble 2 : Industrial economics (L3) ; Principles of economics (L1) ; Approaches of economic analysis (L1) ; Concepts of economic analysis (L1)
• Enseignement à distance : Économie internationale (L2) ; Croissance et développement (L3) ; Économie d'entreprise (L1)
• École de commerce : Gem Grenoble et Esc Dijon
• Universités étrangères : St Pétersbourg, Moscou, Bishkek, Galatasaray, Buenos Aires
• Direction de Thèses de doctorat, encradrement mémoires M2-M1

Curriculum vitae


Co-directeur du Creg
Directeur adjoint du Creg (janvier 2019-2022)
Directeur du département d'Enseignement à distance (EAD) et des Relations internationales et conventions de la Faculté d'économie de Grenoble (décembre 2015-)
Directeur du Pôle Economie-Gestion de Valence (2008-2016)
Responsable pédagogique de la Licence Eco-G-Langues Valence (septembre 2013-) (à titre bénévole)
Responsable pédagogique de la Licence 3 Professionnelle Espaces naturels: gestion et commercialisation des produits de la filière bois, Valence (septembre 2011-)
Responsable pédagogique de la Licence 3e année Eco-G Valence (2008-2015) (à titre bénévole)
Membre élu du Conseil de la Faculté d’économie de Grenoble (2012-2016 ; 2004-2008)
Membre de la commission des équivalences de la Faculté d’économie de Grenoble (2008-)

Habilitation à diriger des recherches

Une approche monétaire : fondements et résultats. Hdr soutenue le 12 mars 1997, à l'Université Paris X-Nanterre.



Ülgen, F. (2025).- Eco-transition versus Markets: The Tragedy of the Viability and Institutions. ICAPE 2025 Annual Conference "Neoliberalism, Polycrisis and Pluralism", International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, San Francisco, 9-10 janvier 2025.

Ülgen, F. (2025).- Collective Action, Ecological Finance and Societal Change. ICAPE 2025 Annual Conference "Neoliberalism, Polycrisis and Pluralism", International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, San Francisco, 9-10 janvier 2025.

Ülgen, F. (2025).- Financing the future: sustainable economic and environmental transition through sustainable regulation. In : Whalen, Charles J. ed. Fashioning Prosperous, Sustainable and Humane Societies: Beyond Precarity. Chelthenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 136-153.

Ülgen, F. (2025).- Financialization of Life and Ecological Transition amid Growing Inequality and Risk. ASSA 2025 Annual Meeting, American economic association, Allied social science associations, Association for Social Economics, San Francisco, 3-5 janvier 2025.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2025).- From Market to Transition Economics: The Institutional Road to Ecological Economics. ASSA 2025 Annual Meeting, Allied social science associations, American economic association; Association for Evolutionary Economics, San Francisco, 3-5 janvier 2025. 


Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2024).- The dark side of financial dynamics: a Schumpeterian destructive creation process. Bank I Kredyt, vol. 55, n° 5, pp. 661-682.

Almawi, A., Ülgen, F. (2024).- Alternative Financing for a Sustainable Energy Transition: An Institutionalist Perspective. Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 58, n° 2, pp. 487-494.

Ülgen, F. (2024).- Greening Finance? What Institutional Options for a Sustainable Transition? Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 58, n° 2, pp. 642-649.

Ülgen, F. (2024).- (COVID) Crisis in a Financialized Economy and Alternative Regulation. American Review of Political Economy, vol. 18, n° 2, 12 p.

Ülgen, F. (2024).- Overcoming the opposition between finance and eco-transition to a sustainable world: a green Keynes plan. 8th international scientific conference on contemporary issues in "Economics, Business and Management", Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 16-17 décembre 2024.

Ülgen, F. (2024).- International Collective Action in a vulnerable world. 3rd International Financial Forum "Rising Challenges in Economic, Financial and Business Development", Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Institute of Economics and Finance, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Grenoble, 4-6 septembre 2024.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2024).- Credit risk in international trade: under the war conditions. 16th International Conference "Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries", International Hellenic University; Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, 17-19 mai 2024.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2024).- Green economy: the dilemma of social and private interests. ASSA 2024 Annual Meeting, Allied social science associations, American economic association, Association for Social Economics, San Antonio, 5-7 janvier 2024.

Almawi, A., Ülgen, F. (2024).- Alternative financing for a sustainable energy transition: An institutionalist perspective. ASSA 2024 Annual Meeting, Allied social science associations, American economic association, Association for Evolutionary Economics, San Antonio, 5-7 janvier 2024.

Ülgen, F., Klapkiv, L. (2024).- Addressing societal challenges through alternative financial regulation. The case of climate change. ASSA 2024 Annual Meeting, Allied social science associations, American economic association, Union for Radical Political Economics, San Antonio, 5-7 janvier 2024.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2024).- The challenge of climate-related double materiality on the financial market. ICAPE 2024 "Modern Economic Pluralism: Exploring the synergies and distinctive contributions of contemporary heterodox approaches", International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, San Antonio, 4 janvier 2024.

Ülgen, F. (2024).- Greening Finance? What institutional options for a sustainable transition?  ICAPE 2024 "Modern Economic Pluralism: Exploring the synergies and distinctive contributions of contemporary heterodox approaches", International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, San Antonio, 4 janvier 2024.


Ülgen, F., Klapkiv, L. (2023).- An Institutional Framework for a Sustainable Eco-Transition and Financial Regulation. Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 57, n° 2, pp. 591-597.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023).- Green products in the insurance market. Wiadomości Ubezpieczeniowe, n° 2, pp. 67-81.

Ülgen, F. (2023).- Financiarización en economías de mercado emergentes (EME). Un caso de inestabilidad financiera endógena. In : Girón, A. ed. Crédito, dinero y mercados emergentes: crisis y retos en el nuevo orden monetario internacional. México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Programa Universitario de Estudios sobre Asia y África, pp.105-158.

Ülgen, F., Klapkiv, L. (2023).- Great crises of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries: a Schumpeterian perspective on financial innovations. In : Hsu, S. ed. Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, pp. 181-188.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023).- Financial stability in the insurance sector: the case of the American International Group, AIG. In : Hsu, S. ed. Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, pp. 157–161.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023).- Financial crises and financial regulation: what relationship ? In : Hsu, S. ed. Elgar Encyclopedia of Financial Crises. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, pp. 127-135.

Ülgen, F. (2023).- Financing the Future: Sustainable Economic Transition Through Sustainable Regulation. Journées d'études "Beyond Precarity : Fashioning Prosperous, Humane and Sustainable Societies in the Age of Financialization and Global Warming", Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, 30 novembre-1er décembre 2023.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023).- 90 seconds to Doomsday: Toward robust systemic regulation for climate change and financial stability. 35th Annual EAEPE Conference "Power and Empowerment in times of multiple crisis", European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Leeds, 13-15 septembre 2023.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023).- Szanse i zagrożenia dla rynku ubezpieczeń w realizacji odbudowy Ukrainy. Konferencja Katedr Finansów 2023 "Finanse wobec wyzwań Nowej Gospodarki", Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Poznań, 13-14 septembre 2023. 

Ülgen, F. (2023).- Bretton Woods and Keynes Plan: What lessons for handling 21st century crises? 53rd The History of Economic Thought Society (THETS) Annual Conference, The History of Economic Thought Society, Creg, Grenoble, 30 août-1er septembre 2023.

Ülgen, F. (2023).- Changing finance to avoid changing the climate: The scope and limits of a radical objective. 2nd International Financial Forum "The climate Change, Financial Markets and Systemic Risks: What Expectations for the Next Decades?", Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Institute of Economics and Finance - Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Grenoble, 26-28 juin 2023.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2023).- Financial stability and Responsive regulation. 9th Conference of the Polish Association of Law and Economics, Polish Association of Law and Economics; Warsaw School of Economics, Varsovie, 19-20 mai 2023.

Faruk Ülgen. Endogenous money, financial instability and crypto-regulation. 2023 Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings, Eastern Economic Association, New-York, 23-26 février 2023.

Ülgen, F., Klapkiv, L. (2023).- An institutional framework for a sustainable eco-transition and financial regulation. ASSA 2023 Annual Meeting, Allied social science associations, American economic association, New Orleans, 6-8 janvier 2023.


Ülgen, F. (2022).- From the Crisis of Financialization to the COVID Crisis: In Search of a Collective Action Between Market and State. Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 56, n° 2, pp. 584-591. 

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2022).- An Evolutionary Perspective on the Endogenous Instability of Capitalist Dynamics. Central European Economic Journal, 2022, vol. 9, n° 56, pp. 291-308.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- From Public Choice to Minskyan collective action: the case for macro rationality-based financial regulation. In : Whalen, C.J. ed. A Modern Guide to Post-Keynesian Institutional Economics. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, pp. 321-337.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- Renewal of Public Action: Co-Production and Financial Regulation, in : Bance, P., Bouchard, M. J., Greiling, D. eds. New perspectives in the co-production of public policies, public services and common goods. Liège : Ciriec, pp. 181-205.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2022).- Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania niestabilności na rynku ubezpieczeń. Studium przypadku holdingu American International Group, Inc. In : Lemkowska, M., Wojtkowiak, M. eds. Sektor ubezpieczeń w obliczu wyzwań współczesności. Poznań : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, pp. 83-97.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2022).- Climate-related financial disclosure in the insurance companies. Ogólnopolską Konferencję Naukową "Innowacje na rynku finansowym, bankowym i ubezpieczeniowym – teoria i praktyka 2022", Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach; Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Ustroń, 8-10 novembre 2022.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2022).- Green products in the insurance market. Konferencja Katedr Finansów 2022 "Finanse dla przyszłości", Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, 15-16 septembre 2022.

Despierre-Corporon, G., Ülgen, F. (2022).- Modalités de financement alternatives à la financiarisation du développement. XLIe Journées de l'Association d'économie sociale "Économie sociale et crises du XXIe siècle", Association d'économie sociale, Creg, Grenoble, 8-9 septembre 2022.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2022).- Bank innovations, sectoral risk (asset commonality-related), and systemic risk. International financial forum "The challenges facing financial markets under the uncertainties of the 21st century", Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Institute of Economics and Finance - Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Grenoble, 11-13 juillet 2022.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- An evolutionary approach to financial instability and regulation. International financial forum "The challenges facing financial markets under the uncertainties of the 21st century", Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Institute of Economics and Finance - Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Grenoble, 11-13 juillet 2022.

Ülgen, F., Despierre-Corporon, G. (2022).- Institutionalist perspectives to sustainable development financing under global health and financial threats. XIe Congrès de l’AFEP "Qu’est-ce qu’un système économique et social soutenable ?", Amiens : Association Française d’Économie Politique, Centre de recherche sur l'industrie, les institutions et les systèmes économiques d'Amiens, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Institut Godin, 28 juin-1er juillet 2022.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2022).- An evolutionary approach to financial instability and regulation. 70th Congress of the French Economic Association, Association Française de Science Économique, Laboratoire d’Economie de Dijon, Centre d’Economie et de Sociologie appliquée à l’Agriculture et aux Espaces Ruraux, Dijon, 14-16 juin 2022.

Almawi, A., Ülgen, F. (2023).- Financing the Energy Transition: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. Journées d’études "Les monnaies et la transition écologique", Sciences Po Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 9-10 juin 2022.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- Financialization and (non)growth in EMEs: A Specific Case of Endogenous Financial Instability. XXII Seminario de Economía Fiscal y Financiera "Crédito público y privado. Experiencias nacionales y globales en la crisis actual", Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, Mexico, 29-31 mars 2022.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- From Genoa to Bretton Woods: Some lessons and A (Keynes) Plan to Prevent History From Rhyming. Journées d'études "De Versailles (1919) à Gênes (1922). La dimension économique des traités de la Première guerre mondiale, un point de vue d’histoire de la pensée économique", Creg, Lefmi, Cerag, Iut Valence, Historial de la Grande Guerre, Valence, 25-26 mars 2022.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- COVID crisis in a financialized economy and alternative regulation. ICAPE 2022 virtual conference "Pluralist Economics in a Post-Pandemic World", International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics, Boston, 9-10 janvier 2022.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- From the Crisis of Financialization to the Covid Crisis: in Search of a Collective Action Between Market and State. ASSA 2022 Annual Meeting, Allied social science associations, American economic association, Association for Evolutionary Economics, Boston, 7-9 janvier 2022.

Ülgen, F. (2022).- New Economics of Regulation: Financial Stability as a Social Dilemma. ASSA 2022 Annual Meeting, Allied social science associations, American economic association, Association for Evolutionary Economics, Boston, 7-9 janvier 2022.


Ülgen, F. (2021).- Financial regulation : from commodification to public action. Journal of economic issues, vol. 55, n° 2, pp. 531-538.

Ülgen, F., Sakovich, M. (2021).- In search of relevant financial regulation : some lessons from the gift-economics, in : Kesting, S., Negru, I., Silvestri, P. eds. The gift in the economy and society : perspectives from institutional economics and other social sciences. Londres : Routledge, pp. 160-188.

Ülgen, F. (2021).- Public good, collective action and financial regulation. Annals of public and cooperative economics/Annales de l'économie publique, sociale et coopérative, vol. 92, n° 1, pp. 147–167.

Ülgen, F. (2021).- De Bretton Woods y Keynes a las crisis del siglo XXI: ¿hay piloto a bordo?. Ola financiera, vol. 14, n° 40, pp. 80-107.

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2021).- Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania niestabilności na rynku ubezpieczeń: studium przypadku holdingu American International Group, Inc.. XIV Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa "Ubezpieczenia wobec wyzwań XXI wieku", Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu; Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Rydzyna, 11-12 octobre 2021. 

Klapkiv, L., Ülgen, F. (2021).- An evolutionary perspective on the endogenous instability of capitalist dynamics. International Conference on Finance and Economic Policy (ICOFEP) 5th edition "New Economy in the post-pandemic period", Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań, 21-22 octobre 2021.

Ülgen, F. (2021).- Crises in a financialized economy and systemic regulation. 69th annual conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy, Sapporo, 16-17 octobre 2021.


Ülgen, F. (2020).- An institutionalist framework for a consistent financial regulation. Journal of economic issues, vol. 54, n° 2, pp. 436-443.

Barredo-Zuriarrain, J., Ülgen, F., Radonjić, O. (2020).- Fallacies of market-friendly financial regulation conducted by the Federal Reserve in the 1990s and 2000s. Journal of post Keynesian economics, vol. 43, n° 4, pp. 540-575.

Ülgen, F. (2020).- Revue des livres : Jean Cartelier, L’intrus et l’absent. Essai sur le travail et le salariat dans la théorie économique, Presses Universitaires de Paris-Ouest, collection Essais économiques, Paris, 2016, 173 pages, bibliographie en fin d’ouvrage, sans index. Revue d'histoire de la pensée économique, n° 10, pp. 319-332.

Ülgen, F. (2020).- Social dilemmas and collective action : financial regulation for a sustainable society. Festival International days "The new millenium economic issues", Grenoble : Université Grenoble Alpes, Faculté d'économie de Grenoble, 16 octobre 2020.

Ülgen, F. (2020).- An institutionalist framework for a consistent financial regulation. Assa 2020 annual meeeting, San Diego : Allied social science associations, American economic association, 3-5 janvier 2020.


Ülgen, F. (2019).- Innovation dynamics and financialisation : is another regulation possible to re-industrialise the economy ? Innovations. Journal of innovation economics & management, n° 29, pp. 133-158.

Ülgen, F. (2019).- Stabilizing endogenous instability. Proposals for an institutionalist reform of financial regulation. Journal of economic issues, vol. 53, n° 2, pp. 488-495.

Ülgen, F. (2019).- Revue des livres : fiches des Théories économiques de la monnaie. Rappels de cours et exercices corrigés, Nicolas Piluso, Paris, Ellipses, 2019, 185 pages, Index. Revue d'histoire de la pensée économique, n° 8, pp. 285-288.

Ülgen, F. (2019).- Finance and poverty : how to get out of the madness of liberal finance ? Festival International days, Grenoble : Université Grenoble Alpes, 14 octobre 2019.

Despierre-Corporon, G., Ülgen, F. (2019).- Sustainable financing for the development process : what alternatives ?. II international scientific and practical conference on "Global imperatives for business and law development", Kiev : Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 10-11 octobre 2019.

Ülgen, F. (2019).- Stabilizing endogenous instability: a contradiction in terms? Proposals for an institutionalist reform of financial regulation. Annual meeting Afee at Assa "Institutional economics in the "True age of uncertainty"", Atlanta : Allied Social Sciences Association, American economic association, 4-6 janvier 2019.


Ülgen, F. (2018).- Collective action and the institutionalist approach to financial regulation. Journal of economic issues, vol. 52, n° 2, pp. 541-549.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- La estabilización de las finanzas capitalistas inestables: el institucionalismo y el enfoque preventivo de la estabilidad financiera. Ola financiera, vol. 11, n° 31, pp. 146-175.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- À quoi sert une banque centrale (européenne) ? Annuaire français de relations internationales, vol. 19, pp. 155-169.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- Financial stability as a global public good and relevant systemic regulation as a problem of collective action ?, in Bance, P. ed. Providing public goods and commons. Towards corpoduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action. Liège : Centre International de Recherches et d'Information sur l'Economie Publique, Sociale et Coopérative, pp. 95-112.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- Institutions, behaviour and cognitive dissonance : financial instability as a natural outcome of an irrelevant market ideology. 30th annual Eaepe conference 2018 "Evolutionary foundations at a crossroad : assessments, outcomes and implications for policy makers", Nice : European association for evolutionary political economy, 7-8 septembre 2018.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- A Schumpeterian evolutionary perspective on financial innovations and financialised capitalism : from creative destruction to destructive creation. 30th annual Eaepe conference 2018 "Evolutionary foundations at a crossroad : assessments, outcomes and implications for policy makers", Nice : European association for evolutionary political economy, 7-8 septembre 2018.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- Financial stability as a public good : an institutionalist approach. 44th annual mettings, Boston : Eastern economic association, 1-4 mars 2018.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- Financialization versus reindustrialization : for an alternative financial regulation". 44th annual mettings, Boston : Eastern economic association, 1-4 mars 2018.

Ülgen, F. (2018).- Collective action and the institutionalist approach to financial regulation. 2018 Assa annual meeting, Philadelphia : Allied Social Sciences Association, American economic association, 5-7 janvier 2018.


Ülgen, F. (2017).- Financialization and vested interests : self-regulation vs. financial stability as a public good. Journal of economic issues, vol. 51, n° 2, pp. 332-340.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- Rethinking monetary and financial stability, in Rochon, L.-P., Rossi, S. eds. A modern guide to rethinking economics. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, pp. 217-239.

Ülgen, F. ed. (2017).- Financial development, economic crises and emerging market economies. Collection Routledge critical studies in finance and stability. Abingdon : Routledge, 260 p.

Ülgen, F. ed. (2017).- Introduction : financial development : the sword of Damocles hanging over the process of economic development, in Ülgen, F. ed Financial development, economic crises and emerging market economies. New-York : Routledge, pp. 1-11.

Ülgen, F. ed. (2017).- Financial development, instability and some confused equations, in Ülgen, F. ed. Financial development, economic crises and emerging market economies. New-York : Abingdon, pp. 51-76.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- Faruk Ülgen (2014), ‘Schumpeterian economic development and financial innovations : a conflicting evolution’, Journal of institutional economics, 10 (2), June, 257–77, in Metcalfe, J.S, Ramlogan, R. eds. Creative destruction : volume 1. Cheltenham : E. Elgar, 20 p.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- Creative destruction, in Carayannis, E.G. ed. Encyclopedia of creativity, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship. New-York : Springer, 8 p.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- Financing entrepreneurship, in Carayannis, E.G. ed. Encyclopedia of creativity, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship. New-York : Springer, 12 p.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- Is financial stability a public good ? An institutionalist approach to financial regulation. 29th annual Eaepe conference, Budapest : European association for evolutionary political economy, Corvinus University of Budapest, 19-21 octobre 2017.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- An institutionalist approach to financial regulation and stability. VIIème congrès de l'Afep "Vers une désintégration de l’Europe ?", Rennes : Association française d'économie politique, Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de recherche en innovations sociétales, Université Rennes 2, 5-7 juillet 2017.

Pokrovskaia, N., Ülgen, F. (2017).- "Investment incentives under the new regulative regimes in Russia and European union". Second world congress of Comparative Economics "1917 –2017 : revolution and evolution in economic development", St. Petersbourg : European association for comparative economic studies, 15-17 juin 2017.

Despierre-Corporon, G., Ülgen, F. (2017).- South-South financial cooperation : an alternative way of financing development ? 43rd annual conference, New-York : Eastern economic association, 23-26 février 2017.

Despierre-Corporon, G., Ülgen, F. (2017).- Stabilizing the unstable capitalism : the precautionary principle through the lens of Radical institutionalism. 43rd annual conference, New-York : Eastern economic association, 23-26 février 2017.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- Financialization and vested interests : the irrelevance of self-regulation and financial stability as a public good. Assa annual meetings, Chicago : Allied social science associations, American economic association, 6-8 janvier 2017, 12 p.

Ülgen, F. (2017).- Provision of financial stability : a non-cooperative game with mediation or a cheap talk game ? Assa annual meetings, Chicago : Allied social science associations, American economic association, 6-8 janvier 2017.


Ülgen, F. (2016).- Financial liberalization as a process of flawed institutional change, Journal of economic issues, vol. 50, n° 2, pp. 485-493.

Amblard, M., Ülgen, F. (2016).- The monetary implications of Scottish independence for Scotland, the United Kingdom and Europe, in Korzeniowska, A., Szymanska, I. eds Scottish culture : dialogue and self-expression. Semper : Warszawa, pp. 304-317.

Ülgen, F. (2016).- The precautionary principle and financial stability : an alternative institutional design of market organisation and regulation. 28th annual Eaepe conference 2016 "Industrialisation, socio-economic transformation and institutions", Manchester : European association for evolutionary political economy, Manchester metropolitan university, 3-5 novembre 2016.

Ülgen, F. (2016).- Re-embedding finance in societal development: Financial stability as a public good. 28th annual Eaepe conference 2016 "Industrialisation, socio-economic transformation and institutions", Manchester : European association for evolutionary political economy, Manchester metropolitan university, 3-5 novembre 2016.

Ülgen, F. (2016).- Decommodifying financial regulation : in search of societal coherence. 28th annual Eaepe conference 2016 "Industrialisation, socio-economic transformation and institutions", Manchester : European association for evolutionary political economy, Manchester metropolitan university, 3-5 novembre 2016.

Barredo, J., Ülgen, F. (2016).- "Financialised capitalism : from a flawed financial regulation towards a sustainable growth". 13th international conference "Developments in economic theory and policy", Bilbao : Department of Applied economics V, University of the Basque country UPV/EHU, Cambridge centre for economic and public policy, Department of Land economy, University of Cambridge, 23-24 juin 2016.

Ülgen, F. (2016).- Definancialization as an alternative paradigm. 42nd annual conference, Washington : Eastern economic association, 25-28 février 2016.

Ülgen, F. (2016).- Financial liberalization and growth in a fragile emerging economy : the Turkish experience from the 1980s onwards. 42nd annual conference, Washington : Eastern economic association, 25-28 février 2016.

Ülgen, F. (2016).- Financial liberalization as a process of flawed institutional change : institutional cognitive dissonance and systemic crisis, Afee at Assa annual meetings "Inside institutions", San Francisco : Association for evolutionary economic, Allied social science associations, 3-5 janvier 2016.


Ülgen, F. (2015).- Social provisioning and financial regulation : an institutionalist-Minskyian agenda for reform. Journal of economic issues, vol. 49, n° 2, pp. 493-501.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Schumpeterian innovations, financial innovations and instability : an institutional perspective. Cuadernos de economía, vol. 38, n° 106, pp. 493-501.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Financial liberalism and new institutional environment : the 2007-08 financial crisis as a (de)regulatory deadlock in O’Sullivan, P., Allington, N.F.B., Esposito, M. eds. The philosophy, politics and economics of finance in the 21st century. From hubris to disgrace. Routledge : London, pp. 370-391.

Despierre-Corporon, G., Ülgen, F. (2015).- South-South financial cooperation : an alternative way of financing development ? International Post-Keynesian conference "Money, crises and capitalism", Grenoble : Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Faculté d'économie de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, Review of Keynesian economics, 10-12 décembre 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Why does endogenous money require exogenous (public) financial regulation ? International Post-Keynesian conference "Money, crises and capitalism", Grenoble : Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble, Faculté d'économie de Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, Review of Keynesian economics, 10-12 décembre 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Crisis and systemic financial regulation. St Petersbourg : International school of economics and politics, St Petersburg state university of economics, 15 octobre 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- How to deal with the devastating consequences of market fundamentalism ? A systemic financial regulation proposal. 27th annual conference of the European association for evolutionary political economy "A new role for the financial system", Gênes : EAEPE, Scuola Politecnica, Doge-Dime, Università di Genova, 17-19 septembre 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Liberal financial regulation as an institutional inconsistency. 27th annual conference of the European association for evolutionary political economy "A new role for the financial system", Gênes : EAEPE, Scuola Politecnica, Doge-Dime, Università di Genova, 17-19 septembre 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- The scourge of financialisation and flawed liberal regulation : an institutionalist reappraisal for a viable capitalism. 5e congrès de l'Afep "L’économie politique de l’entreprise : nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles perspectives", Lyon : Association française d'économie politique, École supérieure pour le développement économique et social-Université catholique de Lyon, Sciences Po Lyon, 1-3 juillet 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Financial liberalisation under external constraints: the case of the Turkish economy. 12th international conference "Developments in economic theory and policy", Bilbao : University of the Basque country UPV/EHU, 25-26 juin 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- From liberal finance inconsistency to relevant systemic regulation : an institutionalist analysis. Colloque international Recherche & régulation "La théorie de la régulation à l'épreuve des crises", Paris : Association recherche & régulation, Ladyss, Inalco, Université Paris-Diderot, 9-12 juin 2015, 14 p.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Liberalización de los mercados financieros y las economías emergentes después de la crisis de 2007-2008. Ola financiera, n° 20, pp. 145-174.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- From financial development to financial crises: Implications for Emerging Market Economies. XVe international conference on Fiscal and financial economy "New monetary and financial competition : institutions and instruments", México : Université nationale autonome du Mexique, 17-19 mars 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- New contributions to monetary analysis. The foundations of an alternative economic paradigm, Routledge, London, 2013" : renouveau de l’analyse monétaire ?. Les Mardis du CRIISEA, Amiens : Centre de recherche sur les institutions, l'industrie et les systèmes économiques, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, 17 février 2015.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Decommodification of financial regulation : some unpleasant lessons from the 2007 crisis. ASE at ASSA annual meetings "Commodities, commodification and alternatives to exchange", Boston : Association for social economics, Allied social science assocations, 2-5 janvier 2015, 16 p.

Ülgen, F. (2015).- Social provisioning and financial regulation : an Institutionalist-Minskyian agenda for reform. ASE at ASSA annual meetings "Commodities, commodification and alternatives to exchange", Boston : Association for social economics, Allied social science assocations, 2-5 janvier 2015


Ülgen, F. (2014).- How to guide the economy in a socially desirable direction ? Lessons from the 2007 financial turmoil. Journal of economic issues, vol. 48, n° 2, pp. 575-584.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- "Schumpeterian economic development and financial innovations : a conflicting evolution". Journal of institutional economics, vol. 10, n° 2, pp. 257-277.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Liberalised finance and instability : “Does it drop out as a matter of logic” ?. Limes plus. Journal of social sciences and humanities, vol. 11, n° 3, pp. 11-28.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Kirghizstan, Ouzbékistan, Tadjikistan, Turkménistan. Les études du Ceri, n° 210, pp. 22-29.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Leçons d'une crise financière : contrôle social comme innovation règlementaire, in Lamotte, B., Le Roy, A., Massit, C., Puissant, E. eds. Innovations sociales, innovations économiques : XXXIVes journées de l'Association déconomie sociale. Louvain la Neuve : Presses universitaires de Louvain (Cahiers du Cirtes, hors-série ; #4), pp. 111-127.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Financial instability and functional finance : a Lerner-Minsky perspective, in Mamica, L., Tridico, P. eds Economic policy and the financial crisis. Londres : Routledge, pp. 148-162.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Innovation and sustainable development in times of crisis. St Petersbourg : International school of economics and politics, St Petersburg state university of economics, 19 décembre 2014.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Liberalised finance and economic stability : square pegs in round holes. 26th annual EAEPE conference "Unemployment and austerity in Mediterranean European countries", Nicosia : European association for evolutionary political economy, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, 6-8 novembre 2014.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Dynamique d'innovation et développement soutenable face à une crise systémique qui dure. 19e salon "Progiciels. Manager et produire en environnement chaotique", Annecy, 16 octobre 2014.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Innovation and sustainable development in times of crisis. Bogotá : Faculty of economics and management sciences, Pontificia universidad Javeriana, 18 septembre 2014.

 Amblard, M., Ülgen, F. (2014).- The monetary implications for Scotland, the United Kingdom and Europe of Scottish independence. Institute of English Studies Conference II "Scotland in Europe", University of Warsaw, 15-17 octobre 2014.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Financialized capitalism and the irrelevance of self-regulation : a Minskyian analysis of systemic viability. 12th international Post Keynesian conference, Kansas City : University of Missouri, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, 25-28 septembre 2014, 24 p.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Financial development and crises : what lessons for emerging economies ?. XI national and VIII international finance experts symposium "Financial management and capital markets in emerging countries", Bogotá : Pontifical Xaverian University, 16-17 septembre 2014.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- Crisis and innovation for sustainable development. Bogotá : Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, 15 septembre 2014.

Barredo, J., Ülgen, F. (2014).- New accumulation regime of financialized capitalism and sustainable growth : some policy implications for the European Union. 11th international conference "Developments in economic theory and policy", Bilbao : University of the Basque country UPV/EHU, 26-27 juin 2014.

Ülgen, F. (2014).- "How to guide the economy towards socially desirable directions ? Some institutional lessons from the 2007 financial turmoil". Annual meeting "Reimagining social sontrol for the 21st century", Association for evolutionary economics, Philadelphia, 3-5 janvier 2014, 15 p.


Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Institutions and liberalized finance : is financial stability of capitalism a pipedream ?". Journal of economic issues, vol. 47, n° 2, pp. 495-503

Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Redesigning finance towards job-creating long-term development : some regulatory roots". 25th annual conference 2013 "Beyond deindustrialization : the future of industries", Paris : European association for evolutionary political economy, University of Paris 13, 7-9 novembre 2013, 22 p.

Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Shaky emerging economies in view of the global financial crisis : the Turkish economy after three decades of liberal reforms". Conference online "Neoliberalism in Turkey : a balance sheet of three decades", World economics association, 28 octobre-24 novembre 2013, 20 p.

Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Le développement des marchés financiers et les crises : quelles leçons pour les économies émergentes". Investigación económica. Revista de la Facultad de economía PUCE, n° 5, pp. 281-310.

Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Creative destruction". In : Encyclopedia of creativity, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship. Carayannis, E. G. ed. New-York : Springer-Verlag, pp. 281-287.

Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Financing entrepreneurship". In : Encyclopedia of creativity, invention, innovation and entrepreneurship. Carayannis, E. G. ed. New-York : Springer-Verlag, pp. 724-734

Ülgen, F. (2013).- Introduction : renewal of monetary analysis : raising the stakes ?
Ülgen, F. (2013).- Coordination in economy : an essay on money
In : Ülgen, F. ed., Méaulle, M., Stellian, R., Tortajada, R. (2013).-  New contributions to monetary analysis : the foundations of an alternative economic paradigm. Collection Routledge international studies in money and banking. Londres : Routledge, 259 p.
Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Is the financial innovation destruction creative ? A Schumpeterian reappraisal". Journal of innovation economics, n° 11, pp. 231-249.
Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Évolution économique et innovations financières : d'un processus créatif à une création destructrice". Innovations. Cahiers d'économie de l'innovation, n° 40, pp. 193-211.

Ülgen, F. (2013).- "Émergence économique et économies émergentes". Informations et commentaires, n° 163, pp. 23-27.


Bobulescu, R., Ülgen, F. (2012).- "Organisation industrielle : dynamique des marchés et stratégies des firmes". Collection Ouvertures économiques. LMD Enseignement à distance. Bruxelles : De Boeck , 208 p.

Ülgen, F. (2012).- "Les innovations financières s’inscrivent-elles dans un processus schumpeterien de destruction créatrice ?". Revue Interventions économiques/Papers in Political economy, n° 46, 16 p.

Ülgen, F. (2012).- "Paving the way for reconsidering the working of market economies: the Minsky perspective". 16th conference of the Research network macroeconomics and macroeconomic policies (FMM) "The state of economics after the crisis", Berlin, 25–27 octobre 2012, 22 p.

Ülgen, F. (2012).- "Financial instability and functional finance : a Lerner-Minsky perspective". 24th annual conference of the European association for evolutionary political economy "Economic policy in times of crisis", Cracovie, Cracow university of economics, 18-21 octobre 2012, 31 p.

Ülgen, F. (2012).- "Stabilité de l’espace monétaire européen et le rôle international de l’euro", in : "L'action publique dans la crise : vers un renouveau en France et en Europe ?", Bance, P. ed. Mont-Saint-Aignan : Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre, pp. 247-266.

Ülgen, F. (2012).- "La monnaie et la coordination dans une économie de marché". Journée d'étude "Création monétaire", Les Économistes atterrés, Paris, 24 mars 2012, 24 p.


Ülgen, F. (2011).- "Crise systémique et crise des fondements de la régulation financière". Économie appliquée, vol. 64, n° 4, pp. 43-68.

Ülgen, F. (2011).- "Régulation monétaire et financière et viabilité des économies de marché". Économie et institutions, n° 17, pp. 61-93.

Ülgen, F. (2011).- " Le développement aujourd'hui". Informations et commentaires, n° 154, pp. 51-53.


Ülgen, F. (2010).- "Note de lecture sur "Jesús Huerto de Soto, Moey, bank credit, and economic cycles, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, Second english edition, 2009"". Innovations. Cahiers d'économie de l'innovation, n° 31, pp. 231-233.

Ülgen, F. (2010).- "Crise systémique et régulation dans les économies monétaires de marché". Premier congrès annuel de l'AFEP "Crise de l'économie, crise de la science économique ?", Sciences Po Lille, Lille, 9-10 décembre 2010.

Ülgen, F. (2010).- "In search of relevant regulatory policies : a Minskian lecture in view of the current financial crisis". In : After the crisis : rethinking finance. T., Lagoarde-Segot ed. New-York : NOVA.

Bensimon, G., Ülgen, F. (2010).- "La question de la coordination en économie". Colloque international "L'analyse monétaire de l'économie. Autour de "Marchands, salariat et capitalistes", Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, 15-16 avril 2010.


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