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3rd International Financial Forum "Rising Challenges in Economic, Financial and Business Development"


Du 4 septembre 2024 au 6 septembre 2024


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Following the first and the second editions of the International Financial Forum (IFF), this third edition seeks to host studies and reflections on a broad spectrum of economic, finance and business issues that our societies face in their current evolution under growing environmental, humanitarian, and political threats.


The main topics of the Forum:

   -  Behavioral economics and finance: modern approaches to old issues
   - Climate change and sectoral risks: from environmental concerns to economic issues
   - Energy transition policy and its economic & financial issues
   - Financial innovations and their influence on the economy
   - Financial stability and new risks for the financial system
   - Future of financial regulation and supervision challenges and priorities
   - Labor economics
   - Monetary instabilities: from Central Bank independence to the post-Covid war era
   - Money and finance in a crypto world: Current risks and opportunities
   - Organizational economics and growing global concerns
   - Societal challenges (gender, inequalities, poverty)
   - Sustainable development and economic growth under the turmoil: macro and micro perspectives
   - The future of work and Economics of Artificial Intelligence

A special session of the conference will be devoted to the PhD students’ research papers and the best paper will be awarded by the scientific committee.

New deadline for paper proposal

The proposals in English must be submitted before July 29, 2024.





Du 4 septembre 2024 au 6 septembre 2024


Complément lieu

Onsite (Grenoble)
MSH-Alpes, Amphithéâtre
How to find us University Grenoble Alpes, Saint Martin-d’Hères Campus, Grenoble, France

Online participation


Contacts (Faruk Ülgen) (Lyubov Klapkiv)


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Publié le 22 février 2024

Mis à jour le 25 juillet 2024