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Sujet de la thèse : essais sur le financement de long-terme du développement durable
Gómez-Paredes, J., Malik, A., Lafortune, G. (2025).- SDG-nexus and spillovers at the heart of Agenda 2030. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, vol. 4, n° 1, 7 p. (e0000157).
Lafortune, G., Mosnier, A., Diaz, M., Fuller, Allali S. Cozza, D. (2025).- Sustainable food systems as a driver for the implementation of the SDGs: Taking stock of SDG 2 and future perspectives. Bruxelles : European Economic and Social Committee, 65 p.
Lafortune, G., Fuller, G. (2025).- Europe Sustainable Development Report 2025: SDG Priorities for the New EU Leadership. Dublin : Dublin University Press, 26 p.
Lafortune, G, Sachs, J.D. (2024).- The Index of Countries’ Support for UN-based Multilateralism: Construction, Verification, and Correlates. Asian Economic Papers, vol. 23, n° 3, pp. 1-28.
Malik, A., Lafortune, G., Mora, C., Carter, S., Lenzen, M. (2024).- Carbon and social impacts in the EU's consumption of fossil and mineral raw materials. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 369, 14 p.
Iablonovski, G., Drumm, E., Fuller, G., Lafortune, G. (2024).- A global implementation of the rural access index. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, n° 5, 6 p.
Sachs, J.D., Lafortune, G., Fuller, G. (2024).- Sustainable Development Report 2024 : the SDGs and the UN Summit of the Future : Includes the SDG Index and Dashboards. Dublin : University Press Dublin, 499 p.
Lafortune, G., Fuller, G., Kloke-Lesch, A., Koundouri, P., Riccaboni, A. (2024).- Europe Sustainable Development Report 2023/24 : European Elections, Europe’s Future and the Sustainable Development Goals. Dublin : Dublin University Press, 123 p.
Ishii, N., Lafortune, G., Esty, D., Berthet, E., Fuller, G., Kawasaki, A., Bermont-Diaz, L., Allali, S. (2024).- Global Commons Stewardship Index 2024. Transforming global production and consumption for earth's safe operating space. Paris, New Haven, Tokyo : SDSN, Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, Center for Global Commons, University of Tokyo, 353 p.
Lafortune, G. (2024).- The role of science, culture and ancient philosophy to achieve the universal Sustainable Development Goals. In Oehlschläge, Susanne ed. All Roads lead to Rome or: National Libraries on their ways to sustainability. Frankfurt am Main : Conference of European National Librarians, pp. 7-10.
Malik, A., Lafortune, G., Dahir, S., Wendling, Z., Kroll, C., Carter, S., Li, M., Lenzen, M. et al.. (2023).- Global environmental and social spillover effects of EU's food trade. Global Sustainability, vol. 6, 13 p.
Sachs, J.D., Lafortune, G. (2023).- Adhering to the UN Charter: Barbados First and the United States Last. Common Dreams, 13 novembre 2023.
Zakzak, L., Subramani, K., Luomi, M., Fuller, G., Salem, F., Lafortune, G. (2023).- Arab Region SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2023. Dubai, Paris : Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 111 p.
Sachs, J.D., Massa, I., Marinescu, S., Toure, S., Leslie Bermont-Diaz L., Lafortune, G. (2023).- Adaptation, Loss and Damage: A Global Climate Impact Fund for Climate Justice. SDSN Working Paper. Paris : Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 44 p.
Euractiv - L’UE peine à mettre en pratique ses objectifs de développement durable
Enews - If EU commitment skips, UN Sustainable Development Goals will remain a mirage
360 One World, Mainy Voices - The nations most (and least) likely to support UN principles
L'économist maghrébin - Le monde prend du retard dans la réalisation des ODD, s’inquiète l’ONU
UN SDG:Learn - Global finance in transition: Reforming the global financial system for the SDGs
The Creative Process & One Planet Podcast - The SDGs & UN Summit of the Future - Highlights - Interview
Directeur de thèse
guillaume.lafortuneuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (guillaume[dot]lafortune[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
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