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Webinar Institutional and Organizational Economics


Le 1 juin 2023

The Grenoble Applied Economics Lab (GAEL), the Grenoble Economic Research Center (CREG) and the Research Institute for the Political Economy of the Firm (IREPE) in partnership with the Grenoble Doctoral School of Economics (EDSE) invite you to the sixth webinar Institutional and Organizational Economics,

Roverto A. Weber (University of Zürich)

"Self Governance and Ethical Market Behavior"

Abstract : The presence of externalities can create situations in which people take actions that are personally rewarding but socially costly. Policy and regulation are often imperfect in practice for solving problems created by externalities. A substantial body of literature, much of it experimental, investigates “bottom-up” solutions, whereby self-governance by groups of individuals improves efficiency by promoting good behavior, e.g., in social dilemmas (Kosfeld, Okada & Riedl, 2009; Ostrom, Walker & Gardner, 1994). However, it is less well understood the extent to which such self-governance can also be an effective instrument for promoting socially responsible conduct in markets. This talk covers two projects, involving laboratory studies, that investigate whether providing market actors with opportunities to self-organize and develop rules and norms that govern their market behavior, improves the efficiency and equality of market outcomes.


Le 1 juin 2023


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Publié le 22 mai 2023

Mis à jour le 18 mars 2025